•• p i n o t g r i g i o
Pinot grigio - or pinot gris, if feeling Continental - is a light, refreshing white wine with hints of
citrus. It's a dry wine (not sweet) that is particularly satisfying in summer, served chilled. It pairs
well with seafood and fried foods since the crisp flavor can cut through the oils. Good pinot grigio
is easy to sip and lightweight in feel, with bright color and flavor.
The necklace pairs featured here contain at least one piece that is pinot grigio-like: bright
spring-like colors with versatile styles and unexpected pairings.
•• s y s t o l i c +
p e a r l n e c k l a c e
Systolic features bright pink rhodonite and stabilized
turquoise with a sterling silver heart focal element. The
Pearl Necklace is a classic freshwater pearl handknotted silk 18" necklace. Alone, each
is nice but together they make a strong style statement.
Systolic: $55.00 USD
Pearl Necklace: $65.00 USD
•• t r a n s p i r a t i o n +
j o y f u l

The jewel-bright colors make each of these necklaces stand out on its own, but together they provide beautiful
color and style to be gala-worthy.
Transpiration is an 18"
emerald and sapphire saucer necklace, and
Joyful is an adjustable 16"-20"
multi-color sapphire necklace.
Transpiration: $132.00 USD
Joyful: $247.00 USD
•• h o s p i t a l i t y +
b y t h e w a t e r c o o l e r

Big-hearted generosity is the thought behind the 21"
Hospitality necklace
and bracelet set, and the pale pink rose quartz of the 19.5"
By the Water
Cooler anchors the bright pinks and greens of the pink opal and chyrsoprase.
Hospitality: $72.00 USD (includes bracelet)
By the Water Cooler: $49.00 USD
•• a w s h u c k s +
u r b a n p l a n n i n g
Aw Shucks received its name from the fresh yellow green color of
the dyed stones (just like shucked peas), and though it is bright, the necklace pairs well with a variety
of other pieces, including the pink coral
Urban Planning necklace.
Alone, each necklace might be just another beaded necklace, but together they add an unexpected visual pop.
Aw Shucks: $60.00 USD
Urban Planning: $38.00 USD
•• m e e t t h e s u n r i s e +
p r e t t y p a c k a g e

Each of the necklaces wears well for an evening out, but if an event calls for something bold, this complementary
color combination may be just as the evening requires.
Meet the Sunrise
is a dyed freshwater pearl necklace, and
Pretty Package
features lovely faceted prehnite gemstones with Swarovski crystal and amazonite gemstones.
Both necklaces are approximately 16" and Pretty Package includes matching earrings.
Meet the Sunrise: on sale for $33.00 USD (originally $49.00 USD)
Pretty Package: $116.00 USD