• • • C R Y S T A L & G L A S S • • •
Crystals and glass offer boundless opportunity for color and style combinations. Austrian Swarovski
crystal is known worldwide for the quality and precision of its faceted crystal; its shine
and sparkle are without compare. Czech glass and crystal are also popular for color clarity and
unique cuts and finishes.

Lampwork glass is turned over a torch, often by hand, giving it a unique shape with
trapped air bubbles. Furnace glass is extruded into rods then cut and tends to be very uniform with high
clarity. Japanese Delica seed beads are tiny glass beads and well known for their color richness and
tubular uniformity; Czech seed beads tend to be more rounded in shape.
•• s w a r o v s k i c r y s t a l
Since 1895, Swarovski has been creating dazzling crystals and decorating everything from couture dresses
to elegant tables.

I was first introduced to Swarovski crystals at a local bead store in 2003, and
both the saturated color and terrific sparkle were simply a cut above any other glass bead. At that time,
there were about a dozen colors and handful of cuts readily available.
Today, there are more than 60 colors with a variety of finishes and more than 100 different shapes, from
faceted rounds and bicones to intricate pendants and fun fish.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
s w a r o v s k i c r y s t a l

Pink Delight

Fairy Godmother

Water Lily


•• c z e c h g l a s s
The Bohemia region in the Czech Republic has long been home to the art of creating fine glass and crystal.
The first kilns appeared in 1548 and glass engraving arrived soon after. The tradition continued for centuries,
providing beautiful products for royalty and the world at large. Under communism, Jablonex was
the state-controlled factory suppling glass products, including glass beads.

In 2009, much of the holdings
in the Jablonec region were acquired by the new company, Preciosa Ornela. Preciosa is located in the
heart of the historic "Crystal Valley" region and they have grown product lines comparable
to Swarovski crystal. Czech pressed glass is found in a variety of shapes, including leaves, petals,
teardrops, daggers and the recently popular spikes. Specialized shapes for beadweaving projects have
also gained popularity with the boom in creative beading.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
c z e c h g l a s s

Bed and Breakfast

Mother's Bouquet

The Pointed Arch

Kunzite No. 4 Robin Goodfellow

•• l a m p w o r k g l a s s
Lampworking describes the process of heating glass with a flame and shaping it. Since the heat source can
be a hand held torch, lampworking studios don't require the same footprint as large glassworking factories.
Glassblowing demonstrations show the versatility and beauty of the art, and lampwork glass beads can be
art in themselves!

With sites like Etsy, eBay and others, it's possible to find terrific variety of awesome lampwork beads,
such as ones found from Unicorne Beads and Grace Lampwork Beads. Unicorne Beads feature dichroic glass and
borosilicate glass for outstanding color and durability; Grace Lampwork Beads use Murano and Raku glass in
their darling owls.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
l a m p w o r k g l a s s

Family Araucariaceae

Beep, Beep

To the Sea

The Briny Way

•• s e e d b e a d s
Small glass beads have been used for decoration or currency throughout history, but it was the Italian glassworkers
in Venice that developed a process for manufacturing seedbeads on a large scale. Long thin rods or tubes
are pulled, cooled, cut and polished to create small pieces of delight. Today, most seedbeads come from
Czech or Japanese factories, including the popular Miyuki Delica brand of highly uniform cylindrical beads.

Seedbeads may be colored glass or clear glass treated with various coatings on the inside or
outside of the clear bead. Metallic coatings are popular, such as thin layers applied in
the "aurora borealis (AB)" coatings first advanced by Swarovski in the 50s.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
s e e d b e a d s


Gone Fishing

Data Types

River Trader

•• g l a s s p e a r l s
Until the development and manufacture of cultured pearls by Mikimoto out of Japan, natural pearls were
rare and available only to the most wealthy. Even the wealthy were reluctant to travel with or wear
their pearls for fear of damage or theft, all of which fueled a thriving market for glass pearls. Today,
inexpensive glass pearls are readily available from popular crystal and glass makers like Swarovski
and Preciosa.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
g l a s s p e a r l s

South Seas




•• f u r n a c e g l a s s
Furnace glass is also known as cane glass and it's formed from extruding long rods or tubes of heated glass
then annealing them in a furnace before cutting and polishing. Much like the candy of the same name,
cane glass gets its color and pattern by layering thin rods over the core color and twisting for
variation. Fire Designs in Washington is popular for outstanding colors and variety.
• d e s i g n s f e a t u r i n g
f u r n a c e g l a s s


Building Blocks

