o l d w o r l d
b i r t h d a y
v i c t o r i a n e s q u e
c h r i s t m a s
•• w e l c o m e !
Had Matter Line evolved from paging through Victorian graphics and thinking of Lewis Carroll's outlandish
characters that acted as though they were the sane ones and it was the rest of us that were the problem!
The intent is use "Old World" ephemera and line art from the last century and create vibrant,
funny, off-kilter designs for today. I also found beautiful photochrom prints taken at the end of the turn
of the last century that capture Europe, the Middle East and North Africa as they are no more. Birthday cards
and Christmas cards use Victorian era graphics to pass along greetings of good cheer.
There are four card groups: "Old World" blank cards featuring photographic or artistic
prints of yesteryear, "Victorianesque" blank cards featuring Victorian era-ish graphics or photographs,
"Birthday" cards featuring dry humor and graphics with retro appeal, and "Christmas"
greetings featuring Victorian era or mediaeval graphics.
Over the years I've noticed people prefer viewing or downloading the card images to buying individual cards so
it's not worth the bookkeeping of offering individual cards for sale. However, if you would like to purchase
cards, there's a variety of sampler packs you can select. Cards are printed on heavy duty cardstock with
archival inks for a smooth, rich matte finish.