•• c h a r d o n n a y
Chardonnay is the most widely known white wine variety, and most people have encountered it in the
heavily oaked New World style. This may be to one's liking or not; a number of chardonnays have appeared
"naked" in the unoaked Old World style. Oak aside, good chardonnay is smooth and almost buttery
in the way it coats the mouth. If pinot grigio is the bright early morning sun, then chardonnay is
the golden mellow sun of late afternoon.
Five necklace pairs featured here contain at least one piece that is chardonnay-like: warm, mellow
colors with definitive, classic style.
•• a l o n g t h e a v e n u e +
p e a r l n e c k l a c e

The extraordinary green color of the chrysoprase gemstones in the
Along the Avenue is natural and one of the great attractions of the
stone. The
Pearl Necklace is exactly as the name implies, but this
in no way diminishes the beauty and versatility of a mid-length pearl necklace strung with handknotted silk.
Together the necklaces add a bit more interest than alone and provide a nice accent.
Along the Avenue: $60.00 USD
Pearl Necklace: $65.00 USD
•• a w s h u c k s +
d a f f o d i l

Spring fresh color combines in this bright pairing of colored stone and shining glass and crystal.
Pea green colored stones in the
Aw Shucks necklace are spaced
with bright sterling silver, complete with a sterling silver pea pod charm, and
Swarovski crystal and Czech glass in the
necklace are a double strand of saturated spring color.
Aw Shucks: $60.00 USD
Daffodil: $52.00 USD
•• c l a s s i c m o d e r n +
m e t a m o r p h o s i s

Multicolor moonstone sets a mood both quiet and strong in these gemstone necklaces with copper
and sterling silver accents. The
Classic Modern necklace
can be doubled as a wrap bracelet, and the
necklace features faceted moonstone teardrops with striking metal contrast.
Classic Modern: $28.00 USD
Metamorphosis: $115.00 USD
•• h o p e +
l o v e

These colorful jewelry items of "love" and "hope" were designed to work together though
they can easily be worn separately.
Hope is a shining peridot gemstone
20" necklace, and
Love is a sterling silver slider on a beautiful hand-dyed
36" riboon.
Hope: $108.00 USD
Love: $40.00 USD
•• e m b r a c e +
o y s t e r

Hand-dyed silk ribbon brightens the warm glow of freshwater pearls in this
casual pairing. The
Embrace necklace features a sterling silver
spirodoodle pendant with a rich green long silk ribbon, and the classic
necklace is a smooth strand of lovely freshwater rice pearls hand-knotted on silk cord for
outstanding drape.
Embrace: $42.00 USD
Oyster: $60.00 USD