•• c a b e r n e t s a u v i g n o n
Good cabernet sauvignon is immediately recognizable as strong in taste but easy on the palette. It's a
pleasure to drink and pairs well with a number of foods, not just the traditional red meat. It can taste
warm and smoky or smooth and fruity, but the flavor will be classic red wine.
Five necklace pairs featured here contain at least one piece that is cabernet-like: recognizable as a
classic with strong color and versatile design.
•• m a r k e t f r u i t +
t h e p o i n t e d a r c h
Market Fruit features a green aventurine gemstone pendant set in sterling silver with sterling silver chain
handcrafted by the artisans at SilverRocks. It also includes lovely matching earrings, not shown on this page.
The Pointed Arch features Czech glass spikes in a style
reminisent of Gothic and Muslim inspired architecture. Together they form a colorful statement with a
stylish edge.
Market Fruit: $127.00 USD
The Pointed Arch: $57.00 USD
•• e q u e s t r i a n +
l o v e a l w a y s
Equestrian is a dark-hued necklace of wood rounds and stone beads
interspersed with shining silver, and
Love Always is a sterling
silver heavyweight cable chain necklace. Together their monochromatic color scheme and well-defined lines
make them an instant classic.
Equestrian: $61.00 USD
Love Always: $110.00 USD
•• f o r g e t m e n o t +
l a d y i n w a i t i n g
Forget Me Not glows a deep purple with checkerboard cut
faceted amethyst gemstones, as are the paler ametrine gemstones in the
Lady in Waiting necklace. Royal purples and precious silver and gold accents make these necklaces a
powerful and striking statement.
Forget Me Not: $143.00 USD
Lady in Waiting: $76.00 USD
•• l g n +
t o u r m a l i n e n o . 1 j a n e

LGN is an all-purpose "little gold necklace", much like the
ubiquitous "little black dress" that is useful on many fronts.
Tourmaline No. 1 Jane is a refined multi-strand faceted tourmaline gemstone necklace with gold accents.
Together they add richness and layered style for interest.
LGN: $75.00 USD
Tourmaline No. 1 Jane: $174.00 USD
•• h o p e +
j o y

Jewel-bright color shines forth in this fantastic gemstone pairing of peridot and tourmaline.
Hope features smooth peridot top-drilled gemstones, and
Joy features loosely faceted tearsdrops of richly colored
tourmaline hand-knotted on silk cord for amazing drape.
Hope: $108.00 USD
Joy: $232.00 USD