d a r k s k i e s
Away from city lights the dark sky glows with faraway light. Velvety dark blue
leather laces wrapped with copper host a deep blue colored mother of pearl shell
pendant with a watercolor science-inspired design, like the path of a stray particle
throughout the heavens. The 20" necklace with pendant has copper hook
and eye clasp.
Cost: $29.00 USD
o r :

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gift recipient name in the text box when you add this item to your cart. If your entire order
is going to one recipient (yourself or other), no other action is needed and you can
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in the same order, we can accommodate that! Before
you check out, make sure to add a gift box
to your cart for each gift recipient in your order.
You will be charged $4.95 USD for each recipient other than yourself and you'll need to add
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multiple items for the same $4.95 gift box fee;
just continue to specify their name when adding items to your cart.
c a t e g o r i e s :
- Color: blue
- Color: orange red
- Material: shell
- Material: leather
- Type: necklaces - mid
- Geek Chic: school daze
- Geek Chic: spirodoodle