s a r d o n y x
Pairing nearest neighbor colors from the color wheel generally works well, but next nearest neighbors can
be tricky, like the red orange sardonyx and red purple garnet in this striking bracelet. It works in this
bracelet because the sardonyx is relatively pale in color and the garnet is deeply saturated, appearing
almost black in color. Sardonyx is a kind of chalcedony - a microcrystallite quartz - with alternating
bands of sard and white chalcedony. The mineral hardness and banded color make it a natural material of
choice for cameos and other carved jewelry, though in this bracelet, the banded colors themselves are the
focus. This makes a nice gift for someone who enjoys strong colors and patterns.
Cost: $37.00 USD
g i f t i n s t r u c t i o n s :
If this item is going to be a gift, enter the
gift recipient name in the text box when you add this item to your cart. If your entire order
is going to one recipient (yourself or other), no other action is needed and you can
specify the shipping address in PayPal checkout. However, if you would like multiple recipients
in the same order, we can accommodate that! Before
you check out, make sure to add a gift box
to your cart for each gift recipient in your order.
You will be charged $4.95 USD for each recipient other than yourself and you'll need to add
the recipient name and address to the gift box text field. Also, each recipient can receive
multiple items for the same $4.95 gift box fee;
just continue to specify their name when adding items to your cart.
c a t e g o r i e s :
- Color: red purple
- Color: orange red
- Material: gem rainbow
- Material: quartz rocks
- Type: bracelets
- Something Special: everyday gifts