c o m p l e m e n t a r y
Complementary colors are across from each other on a color wheel, such as red and green,
blue and orange, and purple and yellow. The ruby necklace contains graduated gemstone rondelles from
2-3mm in diameter to 4-5mm, interspersed with sterling silver beads. The chrysoprase necklace contains
3-4mm gemstone rondelles whose natural green color gets a boost from an AB coating to enhance shine, and
these are paired with clusters of high luster rice pearls.
On its own, each necklace is a great addition to an
outfit, but together they add punch. The high contrast between the red ruby and
green chrysoprase works well because both gemstones show jewel-bright, saturated color.
Cost: $239.00 USD
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You will be charged $4.95 USD for each recipient other than yourself and you'll need to add
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c a t e g o r i e s :
- Color: red
- Color: green
- Material: tough enough
- Material: quartz rocks
- Type: necklace - mid
- Something Special: unexpected elegance