•• h o l i d a y c e l e b r a t i o n s
There's nothing like a holiday or reason to celebrate to break up the doldrums. Thankfully, each month
presents an opportunity to step out of the ordinary and enjoy some cheer. I don't pretend to cover all or
even the most important or meaningful days on the calendar, but I do designs for each month and with the sampler
pack, you too can share the joy!
If you're interested in ordering cards, please scroll to the bottom of the page for sampler pack selections. If
you choose the "Custom" card selection, then note the name of the card (listed under the card images)
in the text field provided. Note that "Front" and "Inside" are images for the same card:
"Front" is the design on front of the card, and "Inside" is the inside message.
january february march
april may june july
august september october
november december
•• j a n u a r y c a r d s
JAN New Years Resolutions - Front
JAN New Years Resolutions - Inside
JAN New Years Tips - Front
JAN New Years Tips - Inside
•• f e b r u a r y c a r d s
FEB Chocolate Miracle - Front
FEB Chocolate Miracle - Inside
FEB Cupid Taking Aim - Front
FEB Cupid Taking Aim - Inside
FEB Disgusted Valentine - Front
FEB Disgusted Valentine - Inside
FEB Feeling Peevish - Front
FEB Feeling Peevish - Inside
FEB Valentines Bluebird - Front
FEB Valentines Bluebird - Inside
•• m a r c h c a r d s
MAR St Patricks Cloggers - Front
MAR St Patricks Cloggers - Inside
MAR St Patricks Clover - Front
MAR St Patricks Clover - Inside
•• a p r i l c a r d s
APR Modern Plagues - Front
APR Modern Plagues - Inside(1)
APR Modern Plagues - Inside(2)
APR Easter Bunny - Front
APR Easter Bunny - Inside
APR Easter Flower - Front
APR Easter Flower - Inside
APR Easter Chick - Front
APR Easter Chick - Inside
APR Bunny Feet - Front
APR Bunny Feet - Inside
•• m a y c a r d s
MAY Mother Wisdom - Front
MAY Mother Wisdom - Inside
MAY Superparent Mom - Front
MAY Superparent Mom - Inside
MAY Mother's Prayer - Front
MAY Mother's Prayer (daughter) - Inside
MAY Oak Tree Mom - Front
MAY Oak Tree Mom - Inside (daughter)
MAY Oak Tree Mom - Inside (son)
MAY Hooray for Mom - Front
MAY Hooray for Mom - Inside
•• j u n e c a r d s
JUN Oak Tree Dad - Front
JUN Oak Tree Dad - Inside (daughter)
JUN Oak Tree Dad - Inside (son)
JUN Superparent Dad - Front
JUN Superparent Dad - Inside
•• j u l y c a r d s
JUL July 4 - Front
JUL July 4 - Inside
JUL Freedom for All - Front
JUL Freedom for All - Inside
JUL Party Trivia - Front
JUL Party Trivia - Inside
•• a u g u s t c a r d s
AUG No Capsizing - Front
AUG No Capsizing - Inside
AUG Summer Enjoyments - Front
AUG Summer Enjoyments - Inside
AUG End of Vacation - Front
AUG End of Vacation - Inside
AUG Picnic Basket
•• s e p t e m b e r c a r d s
SEPT School Hideout - Front
SEPT School Hideout - Inside
SEPT Summer Meets September - Front
SEPT Summer Meets September - Inside
SEPT Start School - Front
SEPT Start School - Inside
SEPT Kiddos Rosh Hashanah - Front
SEPT Kiddos Rosh Hashanah - Inside
SEPT Sept 11 Remember
•• o c t o b e r c a r d s
OCT Undead Diets - Front
OCT Undead Diets - Inside
OCT Halloween Express - Front
OCT Halloween Express - Inside
OCT Feeling Witchy - Front
OCT Feeling Witchy - Inside
OCT Happy Halloween - Front
OCT Happy Halloween - Inside
OCT Spider Yoga
OCT Cute Costume - Front
OCT Cute Costume - Inside
•• n o v e m b e r c a r d s
NOV Thanksgiving Guests - Front
NOV Thanksgiving Guests - Inside
NOV Tofu Turkey - Front
NOV Tofu Turkey - Inside
NOV Elections - Front
NOV Elections - Inside
NOV Freedom for All Elections
•• d e c e m b e r c a r d s
DEC Hanukkah Funny Toys - Front
DEC Hanukkah Funny Toys - Inside
DEC Sufganiyot - Front
DEC Sufganiyot (mod) - Front
DEC Sufganiyot - Inside
DEC Happy Everything
DEC Candy Canes - Front
DEC Candy Canes - Inside
DEC Santa Friendly Fireplace - Front
DEC Santa Friendly Fireplace - Inside
DEC Happy Hanukkah
DEC Welcome Christmas
DEC Bike Shrubbery
DEC Bike Tree Decorations
DEC Santa Sled
Val's Pals Holiday Card Sampler Pack options The sampler pack includes 12 cards printed on
ivory heavy duty cardstock with matching envelopes. Cards are approximately 5"x7" and don't
require special postage. Each pack includes one of twelve card designs (one for each month).
The "My Favorites"
pack includes 1. JAN New Years Tips, 2. FEB Cupid Taking Aim , 3. MAR St Patricks Cloggers,
4. APR Easter Chick, 5. MAY Hooray for Mom, 6. JUN Superparent Dad,
7. JUL Party Trivia, 8. AUG No Capsizing, 9. SEPT School Hideout,
10. OCT Undead Diets, 11. NOV Thanksgiving Guests, and 12. DEC Happy Everything.
The "Feeling Grateful" pack includes 1. JAN New Years Resolutions, 2.
FEB Feeling Peevish, 3. AMR St Patricks Cloggers, 4. APR Easter Flowers, 5. MAY Mother's Prayer,
6. JUN Oak Tree Dad Daughter or Son, 7. JUL Freedom For All,
8. AUG Summer Enjoyments, 9. SEPT Sept 11 Remember, 10. OCT Happy Halloween, 11. NOV Tofu Turkey,
and 12. DEC Sufganiyot.
For the
"Custom" pack, you can specify three card designs in the text field. You can also specify
the holiday type; the default is the "Secular" option that includes Easter and Christmas.
With the "Jewish" option, the April, September and December cards will be replaced
with Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah cards, respectively.
Val's Pals Holiday Card Sampler Pack: $36.00 USD with free shipping
b a c k t o t o p o f p a g e