•• y e a r l y c e l e b r a t i o n
For better or worse, birthdays and anniversaries mark the yearly passage of time. For some, it will be an
eagerly awaited milestone - 16! 21! - for others, a happy day to celebrate being alive and kicking, and for
others, an unwelcome reminder that youth is fading ever further. Val's Pals are cheery folks so birthdays
and anniversaries are approached with delight or dry humor; there's no way around getting older.
If you're interested in ordering cards, please scroll to the bottom of the page for sampler pack selections. If
you choose the "Custom" card selection, then note the name of the card (listed under the card images)
in the text field provided. Note that "Front" and "Inside" are images for the same card:
"Front" is the design on front of the card, and "Inside" is the inside message.
You are welcome to save and share the images, but they are subject to copyright (no resale). Enjoy!
•• b i r t h d a y c a r d s

BD Woman Departing 20s - Front

BD Woman Departing 20s - Inside

BD The Forties

BD Aging Animals

BD Man Departing 20s - Front

BD Man Departing 20s - Inside

BD Getting Older - Front

BD Getting Older - Inside

BD Flowers

BD Undaunted Woman

BD Elemental - Front

BD Elemental - Inside

BD Donkey Tips - Front

BD Donkey Tips - Inside

BD Running Cake - Front

BD Running Cake - Inside

BD Sweet 16 - Front

BD Sweet 16 - Inside

BD 21 - Front

BD 21 - Inside

BD Brighter Place - Front

BD Brighter Place - Inside

BD Road of Life - Front

BD Road of Life - Inside
•• a n n i v e r s a r y c a r d s

AN King Queen Hearts - Front

AN King Queen Hearts - Inside

AN Anniversary - ladies

AN Anniversary - gents

AN Milestones - Front

AN Milestones - Inside

AN Love Stronger - Front

AN Love Stronger - Inside
Val's Pals Birthday Card Sampler Pack options The sampler pack includes 12 cards printed on
ivory heavy duty cardstock with matching envelopes. Cards are approximately 5"x7" and don't
require special postage. Each pack includes two of six different card designs: the "Getting Older"
pack includes 1. BD Getting Older, 2. BD Elemental , 3. BD Donkey Tips, 4. BD Flowers, 5. BD. Undaunted Woman,
and 6. AN Love Stronger; the "Specific Year" pack includes 1. BD Departing 20s Woman, 2.
BD Departing 20s Man, 3. BD Sweet 16, 4. BD 21, 5. BD Road of Life, and 6. AN Milestones. For the
"Custom" pack, you can specify three card designs in the text field.
Val's Pals Birthday Card Sampler Pack: $36.00 USD with free shipping
b a c k t o t o p o f p a g e